Thursday, March 22

Here Comes Santa

(sing it)...Here comes Santa Claus,,,Here comes Santa Claus.. right down scrapbook lane...........................wait.....wrong season. But it sure felt like that today. We got in Pink Paislee, Heidi Swapp, New Smash, and a few lines from Echo Park. I just couldn't help myself. It felt like Christmas, except the stuff in my bags weren't gift s:-( I had to pay for them myself. But I was definitely like a kid in a candy store. I WANT them all! But I wasn't the only one.... I shall remain nameless but there were others that had the same problem that I had. The store was a buzz with hectic shoppers today. All a bussel to get their new stuff.I was amazed to see how much was sold and out the door. So when will Santa's sleigh (or UPS truck) pull up to the store again??? Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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