Quotes & Journaling...
Journaling can be a fabulous way to add elegance and sentiment to your pages. A lot of folks go a bit blank in this department. Here are some gathered tips for getting the perfect quote to compliment that photo or memory.
1. For baby books and layouts the truth is usually the funniest and sentimental way to go. Kid are full of countless sayings and questions. Keep a journal hand in your purse to capture these precious lines along with journaling tidbits such as first words, favorite songs, ect.
2. Who, What, Where. Simply rule that can apply to any layout. Simply record the details of your photo and any highlights that apply. Basically add facts you would like to remember.
3. The age old "Once Upon a Time". Really is there any better way to start a story?
4. Favorite recipes can be a great journaling aspect to cooking and holiday type layouts.
5. Songs. Songs contain some of the most heartfelt quotes of all time. Use that to your advantage! Some photos might even take you back to that high school rock song. Finding a unique way to incorporate this into a layout will make it that much more meaningful.
6. Poems and Quotes. Favorite poem, movie line, bible verse...even dictionary meanings. The internet is your unlimited source for all things quotable. Take advantage! Here are some quote sites we love.
Enjoy...and happy scrappin!
Famous Quotes: http://www.quotationspage.com/
Historical Quotes: http://www.brainyquote.com/
Inspirational Quotes: http://www.great-inspirational-quotes.com/scrapbooking-quotes.html
Song Lyrics: http://www.songlyrics.com/
General: http://www.quotegarden.com/children.html
1. For baby books and layouts the truth is usually the funniest and sentimental way to go. Kid are full of countless sayings and questions. Keep a journal hand in your purse to capture these precious lines along with journaling tidbits such as first words, favorite songs, ect.
2. Who, What, Where. Simply rule that can apply to any layout. Simply record the details of your photo and any highlights that apply. Basically add facts you would like to remember.
3. The age old "Once Upon a Time". Really is there any better way to start a story?
4. Favorite recipes can be a great journaling aspect to cooking and holiday type layouts.
5. Songs. Songs contain some of the most heartfelt quotes of all time. Use that to your advantage! Some photos might even take you back to that high school rock song. Finding a unique way to incorporate this into a layout will make it that much more meaningful.
6. Poems and Quotes. Favorite poem, movie line, bible verse...even dictionary meanings. The internet is your unlimited source for all things quotable. Take advantage! Here are some quote sites we love.
Enjoy...and happy scrappin!
Famous Quotes: http://www.quotationspage.com/
Historical Quotes: http://www.brainyquote.com/
Inspirational Quotes: http://www.great-inspirational-quotes.com/scrapbooking-quotes.html
Song Lyrics: http://www.songlyrics.com/
General: http://www.quotegarden.com/children.html
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